my loving parents saw me struggle in school with a speech impediment, shyness, and a feebleness that made me easy prey for bullies. in third grade I was placed in a Christian school in la mirada, california called lindsey school. it was here I asked Jesus Christ to come into my heart in June 1974. since that day I have journeyed through countless trials, deep valleys, high mountains, life-changing paths, and open doors, learning what it means to be a true follower of Christ. I am not religious, but a bible believing Christian. there is nothing i can do to get into heaven except place all of my faith in Jesus Christ as my God, my Savior, and my Friend. Christ paid the penalty for my sins with His death on the Cross, and rose from the grave three days after so my last breadth on this earth will be my first breadth in Heaven. until that day comes, i am here to love and glorify God in my daily walk and lead others to do the same. i am far from perfect in this short life, but I know God's grace is infinite and gives me the hope to finish this race with crowns. Amen.